Want to Do Business in China?

Perhaps you have products you want to export to China’s massive markets. Maybe you want to import from China in order to lower costs on the parts for a product you manufacture.
The simple fact is, especially with today’s global market, China is a great place to do business.
With over 25 years of experience as a trusted freight forwarder, Universal Cargo Management helps shippers all over the United States import from and export to China. But we don’t just want to ship to and from China; we want to help businesses succeed.
“A friend to your business” is not just a tag we put on our website. Universal Cargo Management is committed to our vision of enriching the lives of those within our company as well as those we do business with.
Friends share their knowledge and experience. That’s exactly what Universal Cargo Management’s white papers are for.
UCM’s very own CEO, Devin Burke has over 26 years experience doing business with Chinese and 17 years experience doing business with the country of China. Pair that experience with Mr. Burke’s avid reading, especially on the subject of China, and his is an excellent mind to pick on the subject of doing business in China.
You don’t have to pick Mr. Burke’s mind; he’s already done it for you. Go to our White Papers page and click on the China White Paper to read great insights from CEO, Devin Burke. This white paper was highly influenced by CHINA UNCOVERED by Jonathan Story and CHINA INSIDE OUT by Bill Dodson–books we recommend.
We believe reading this white paper could help you in achieving your business goals in China. And we’re always here to help you with your international shipping to and from China or elsewhere around the world!
Source: Economy