Must-See “Sound of Freedom” Depicts Kids Trafficked in Shipping Container

If ever there was a must-see movie playing in theaters, Sound of Freedom is it. In a movie that already struck me where I live by being about a parent’s worst nightmare of children kidnapped and sold into sex slavery, it then hit me where I work by depicting kids trafficked in a shipping container onboard a container ship.

That’s the closest I’ll come to a spoiler in this post focused on the Jim Caviezel-led film, which is deservingly the number one movie in the country right now. So you’re safe to keep reading if you haven’t seen the movie yet and don’t want to know what happens. If you haven’t seen it, go get your tickets.

I might be a writer, but I have trouble putting into words what I felt as a father watching this movie. Disturbed? Angry? Perhaps even scared? Yes. All of that. But none of those words seem quite right to capture the feelings.

Simultaneously, there were also positive feelings while watching. The most obvious on this side was probably thankfulness. Thankfulness for my family. Thankfulness that this horror hasn’t touched my children. Thankfulness there are people out there like Tim Ballard, the real-life hero Caviezel plays, who fight trafficking.

I can’t imagine even being human and watching this movie without rooting for Ballard and rejoicing in his victories. But rejoicing isn’t quite the right word for the feeling either. The victories are bitter-sweet.

The saving of even a single child from sex slavery or the capture of a trafficker or pedophile who brings grave danger to children is cause for celebration. However, the loss and trauma such a child has suffered and the knowledge that there are millions more trafficked children out there in slavery bring more than a little ambivalence to such a celebration.

Additionally, it would be hard to go see Sound of Freedom and not be engrossed by its compelling and suspenseful story. There’s always a certain satisfaction in a well-told story. And Sound of Freedom is certainly a well-told story. But satisfaction is another word that fails to describe the feeling of watching this movie. How can one be satisfied knowing the unfathomably large problem of human trafficking is happening not only in the world but right here in the United States?

Keep reading to find out more, including simple things you can do to combat human trafficking by reading the full post in Universal Cargo’s blog.