Universal Cargo’s Top 10 International Shipping Blog Posts of 2024
Are you ready for a top 10?!
2024 is almost over! Some can’t believe how fast it went while for others it couldn’t end soon enough. Either way, we here at Universal Cargo are wishing for you to thrive in ’25! And, of course, we’re always here to help shippers do just that. One little way we help shippers is by keeping them in the know on what’s happening in the international shipping industry with our blog.

Each year, we count down our top 10 international shipping blog posts – or sometimes storylines, like we did in years like 2022. However, I prefer just counting down the top ten blogs in popularity measured by views, not in small part because it gives a chance for guest writers to make it onto the list. Guest writers don’t tend to submit posts about international shipping news (though I wish they did). However, sometimes their articles about different facets of the international shipping industry or tips for shippers are quite popular.
In fact, at least one guest post usually makes the top 10. Sometimes, a few make it. It’s not even unheard of for a guest post to be our top performing blog post of the year. Will a guest writer make it this year? More than one? If so, how high can they climb on the list?
Making the list at all is a tall task in 2024. The International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) strike threat, eventual strike, and return to work with a renewed strike threat has been a dominating storyline in Universal Cargo’s blog this year. So much so, I strongly considered making ’24 a top international shipping storylines year for this post.
There have been 30 posts so far this year dealing with ILA contract negotiations and the union’s strike threat or actual strike. That’s close to a third of the year’s posts, as we publish twice a week, occasionally skipping one for a holiday or when I’m on vacation or adding an extra one to alert shippers about an important event in the industry. That puts us at around 100 blog posts a year. The ILA strike threat is an important and ongoing story in international shipping, and our posts on it were popularly read. A reporter from the Washington Post even contacted me with a inquiry on the topic. Despite that, I’m hoping a guest article manages to overcome this dominating topic and make the list.
As a disclaimer, I do know that not every 2024 international shipping post has been published yet with a couple weeks remaining before the new year. However, I don’t think a post from the final two weeks of the year has ever had the massive, instant success or time to build views to crack the list. Thus, I think we’re pretty safe with this list. But if there’s an exception this year, I’ll do an update for you.
Now enough of all this preamble! Let’s get to what you came here for: Universal Cargo’s Top 10 International Shipping Blog Posts! Let’s count them down David Letterman style (except not funny) from 10 to 1…
#10! 2024 Expert Freight Rate Outlook in Wake of Red Sea Attacks & Rate Spikes (January 11th)
This was more of a roundup blog, gathering opinions on freight rates for the just starting 2024 year. January publication gives a little edge to this post, having extra time to wrack up views. However, freight rates is a popular topic and most views came early on in the published life of this post when shippers were still looking for a general outlook for the year.
#9! What the Freight? Examining Current Freight Rate Trends (April 11th)
I told you freight rates is a popular topic. Shippers always want to know what’s going on with shipping prices. Not surprising posts examining the topic would crack the top 10.
#8! ILA Strike Watch 2024: ILA Says Strike More Likely (July 16th)
The ILA Strike Watch’s first appearance on the list. Pretty sure this is going to become a trend.
#7! ILA Strike Watch 2024: ILA Announces Unanimous Support for Strike (September 5th)
The news wasn’t unexpected, but it wasn’t what shippers wanted to hear either.
#6 ILA Strike Watch 2024: Cancelled Talks & Strike Threat Increase (June 18th)
For many shippers, this was the moment the ILA’s strike threat got real. Of course, we’d been warning this was a serious threat for a long time in Universal Cargo’s blog.
#5! Freight on Board (FOB) Explained: A Comprehensive Guide for Importers and Exporters (January 23rd)
Our first guest post to crack this year’s list. And making the top 5 at that! Congratulations, Diana Zheng! Will more guest bloggers make the list?
#4! ILA Strike Watch 2024: With 1 Month Till Strike, ILA Flips on Mediation (August 29th)
A small spark of hope that the strike might not happen.
#3 ILA Strike Watch 2024: Fight Intensifies – Strike Extremely Likely – Full Text of USMX Statement & ILA’s Scathing Response (September 10th)
That spark of hope was quickly snuffed out.
#2 ILA Strike Watch 2024: Biden No, Trump Yes? (July 9th)
With 2024 also being an election year, it’s not surprising that a post on the biggest shipping storyline of the year that also featured President Trump and President Biden would wind up high on this list.
And the number one blog post of 2024…
Will it be about the ILA?…
Could any topic possibly top it?…
#1! ILA Strike Watch 2024: Here’s How Much ILA Members Make & How Much They Demand Ahead of Strike Tuesday (September 26th)
“We are inevitable,” the ILA said before President Harold Daggett snapped his fingers and the union went on strike. Who knew how interested people would be in how much ILA members make?
30% of this year’s posts but 70% of the top 10, the ILA strike threat topic really dominated ’24’s top 10, but a guest post did manage to break into the top half of the list. Well done, Diana Zheng! She intelligently chose an Incoterm topic. Posts about Incoterms have always performed well in our blog. It’s something shippers need to know about when making international deals and importing and exporting goods. Shippers also always need to know about freight rates. So it’s no surprise a couple posts on that topic made the list, even if at the 9 and 10 spots.
It’s always interesting to see what posts make the year’s top 10. Often, the top 10 list gives a broader look-back at the year in terms of international shipping than 2024’s did. However, this year’s list does show what mattered to U.S. shippers most this year. And it should give aspiring guest bloggers an idea of what kinds of articles to submit to be successful in Universal Cargo’s blog.
Even though it’s a little early, and there are a few more posts coming this year, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy New Year’s, and a happy holidays for any others that you celebrate this season. May you thrive in ’25!