3 International Shipping News Stories Affecting Imports & Exports Right Now

What's happening in international shipping right now? Here are three news stories currently affecting imports and exports. Plus, there's a bonus ILA Strike threat summary at the end. 1. Russia [...]


Port Wars: U.S. Ports Strike Back Against Biden’s Tariffs on Chinese Cranes

Today's blog post is a little different. We put a pertinent international shipping story for shippers into a Star Wars parodying crawl. However, not everyone may enjoy reading about U.S. ports [...]


ILA Strike Watch 2024 – US Trade Groups Ask Biden to Get ILA to Negotiation Table

It's been over two weeks since the International Longshoremen's Association (ILA) abruptly cancelled contract negotiations on the day they were to finally resume. There has been no sign of the [...]


ILA Strike Watch 2024: Cancelled Talks & Strike Threat Increase

The International Longshoremen's Association (ILA) cancelled contract negotiations last week. Then the union said its threatened strike, which would start October 1st, is "more likely." That [...]


Early Peak Season, High Freight Rates, & 5 Factors Shaping Ocean Freight Shipping 2024

It's not unprecedented, but we're looking at an early peak season for international shipping this year. Analyzing wide industry reporting, the demand side of ocean freight has picked up in April [...]


Why Biden Will Likely Follow Through on His Threat to Triple Tariffs on Chinese Steel and Aluminum

In a speech, yesterday, to union workers in Pennsylvania, President Biden called for U.S. trade representative Katherine Tai to consider tripling tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum if her [...]