Requirements Loosen for NVOCCs in Cargo Shipping

 In cargo

Hallelujah! NVOs finally don’t have to follow that ridiculouslyCargo Shippingcumbersome job of filing a tariff every time they secure a customer.

As of April 18th, the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) has issued a final ruling that removes the requirement for all licensed NVOCCs to publish a tariff for every rate they charge each shipment.

There is, of course, certain conditions that these same NVOs continue to publish rules tariffs containing contractual terms and conditions governing shipments and providing those rules to the public. Thereby, ensuring that the rates they charge are agreed to and memorialized in writing by the date cargo is received for shipment.

They must also retain this documentation for 5 years and made available to the MC upon any such requests. Such NVOCCs will also be exempt from regulatory requirements regarding time volume rates, 30 days notice of tariff rate increases, carrier refunds, and adherence to published tariff rates.

This change should give owners of NVOCCs some bit of freed up time and expenses to concentrate on more productive matters, such as expanding their business.

cargo, shipping, requirements, tariff 

Key Takeaway– Changes made by the Federal Maritime Commission will no longer require NVOCCs to publish a tariff for every rate they charge each shipment. This will allow NVOCC businesses with more time to focus on other aspects of their company.



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