Shanghai Truckers’ Strike Diminishes as Authorities Respond

 In China, economy, global, Shanghai Trucker Strike

truckers strike Port of Los Angeles Long BeachStrikes led by truckers that were angry at the rising fuel prices and low wages begin to dwindle as the Shanghai authorities propose some relief to the situation.

The strike that began on Wednesday, April 20th caused chaos and container traffic to the world’s busiest container port, Shanghai.

Over the weekend, Shanghai authorities offered “a package of fee rollbacks related to moving containers” as a way to encourage the strikers to go back to work. Additionally, the authorities offered “pledges to eliminate charges deemed abusive” to help ease the pain of the truckers that were on strike.

Shanghai authorities went as far as to dispatching a top local official at one of the strike locations for the truckers to write down any complaints or grievances that they may have.

The authorities’ minor compromise did allow for the traffic at the Shanghai port to return to normal; however, few were satisfied from the effort to relieve their frustrations.

It shows that the Shanghai Trucker Strike never extended past certain container-handling terminals. It also did not show a great threat to the city’s overall logistics system since many truckers continued to work throughout the region and vessels were operating normally throughout last week’s strike.

As of Monday, police presence in the area around Shanghai CIMC Vehicles Logistics Equipment Company offices, where the strike began, had been reduced and container truck traffic returned to normal.

Source: Economy

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