ILWU Claiming “Tentative Agreement” on “Certain Key Issues” Doesn’t Mean Much

The International Longshore & Warehouse Union (ILWU) claimed today to have reached a "tentative agreement" with the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) on "certain key issues." Immediately, it [...]

Strong Ruling Against ILWU in Seattle T-5 Jurisdictional Dispute Could Be Motivation Behind Labor Action that Closed Ports of LA-LB

Patrick E. McLean wrote in his book How to Succeed in Evil, "There is no such thing as coincidence, Topper. It is always, always your enemies conspiring against you." Shippers may feel that's an [...]

238 Trade Associations Write Biden to Mediate ILWU Negotiations (Read Full Letter)

A group of 238 state, local, and federal trade associations sent a letter to President Biden, imploring him and his administration to mediate the International Longshore & Warehouse Union [...]

ILWU Negotiations Help NY/NJ Surpass LA/LB as Busiest U.S. Port

It's become something of a habit when talking about the sister ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to mention they're the busiest port complex in the U.S. in terms of cargo volume brought in [...]

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