Chapter By Chapter Look at Phase One Trade Agreement with China Part 3

You could call this phase three of the Phase One Trade Agreement with China breakdown, but we won't call this post that to avoid making it sound confusing. Still, this is the third part of our [...]

How Is IMO 2020 Launch Going?

IMO 2020 went into effect on January 1st, requiring sea vessels, including container ships, to abide by a 0.5% sulfur cap on fuel or use scrubbers (systems that clean fuel in engines) in order to [...]

How Does the Chinese Spring Festival Holiday Affect the International Logistics Industry?

This is a guest post by David Fan. Background Chinese New Year, also known as Spring Festival or Lunar New Year, is the grandest festival in China with a statutory 7-day long holiday. [...]

The Controversy Over Arctic Shipping

The outlook on shipping through the Arctic is changing. And I'm not just talking about the changes in climate making shipping through the North Pole possible. Ocean freight carriers are coming [...]

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